Happy New Year!

In the past 10 years I have watched so many people in the church come to faith in Jesus Christ. I have had the privilege of leading many to the Lord myself by leading them in the sinner’s prayer right here in Canelo Cowboy Church! It has been such a blessing to see what God has done here in the last 10 and ½ years and He keeps on doing it! It’s a great thing to behold!
But coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus is just the first step. Alan Redpath in his book, “The Making of a Man of God,” says that, “The salvation of a soul takes only a moment, but the making of a saint takes a life time.” In other words, salvation comes so rich and so free and so easy, but to grow in Christ and become a mature Christians takes a long time. Just like a little baby. All of us here at Canelo Cowboy Church have been introduced to little Ellie Robbs and we have watched as her sweet mommy Heather has nurtured her and loved her and given her everything she needs. The Bible says this is how we are when we first come to Christ. We’re just new born babies in the Lord. But just like little Ellie, we don’t stay that way. We should start growing in the Lord from our first breath as a new Christian! And the Bible says that, just like little Ellie (Or all newborn babies), we should, “Crave pure Spiritual milk, so that you may grow up in your salvation (I Peter 2:2).”
Crave, it says. Thirst after it. Desire it. If you don’t feed a new born it will die. And a new Christian in the same way. If you don’t get fed you’re going to die! But Peter also puts some of the need on the new Christian. The new Christian must desire to grow, crave the milk and when something is pointed out to them they need to desire to change! And this also goes for older mature Christians. When our Heavenly Father aluminates something in our lives that doesn’t please Him, we need to do everything in our power to change. We need to repent, turn away from our sin and change whatever needs changing!
Have you ever heard someone say, “I’ve done that all my life and I don’t want to change?” That’s a sin. Our desire needs to be towards pleasing God. No matter where we are in the Lord, a new born or and old person spiritually speaking, our desire should be to do whatever we need to do to please Him. Pray about it.
Happy New Year! Naomi and I love you all. 

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year You All! Wow! I haven’t seen most of you all year. And you look as good as you did last year!
Well here we go into 2016. Can you believe that we’ve been alive this long and that God is still able to use us in His work on this ole earth? My heart’s desire is to see Him do some fantastic things in each one of our lives. Because when He starts working in our lives there is a ripple effect that spreads to others and the Kingdom of God expands.
I have seen so many of you all grow in Him and in your relationship with Him and it’s been so fantastic! God is moving and hearts are changing. That’s what this whole Christian experience is about. Our lives being changed and others observing that peace in our lives. They then want what we have and the lost coming to know the amazing grace that He gives so freely. What a great time to be alive and to serve a Risen Savior that is in the world today! Please, let’s allow Him to work in our lives and not allow our flesh to cloud our judgement and take away from what He is doing.
Dennis and Juli will be here in about 7 days (Give or take a day), and then we’ll start working on the new building again. We have the money in hand to get the building finished and then we’ll move from The Old Canelo School House to our new facility. I know from talking to some of you that you are not looking forward to the move, but it’s a necessary thing if we want to have the church keep on growing. Please be in prayer about where God can use you in the building process and where you can plug in to help with the move.
I am just as sad as any one that we’re needing to move! I love this old building and so many memories have been made here. But it’s a great growing pain that has been a long time coming. I really truly never envisioned all of this when we first planted this church in 2006, but it’s been His plan all along. We just need to plug-in and see where He takes us as a church and as individuals! Let’s all cinch up tight and let Him lead us wherever He wants us to go! It’s going to be fantastic! Happy New Year!!
Please let me know if you need anything. Naomi and I love you all.
-Pastor Steve