Ranch Family Fun Day Cancelled

Brothers and Sisters,

We’re going to need to cancel June’s RFFD. Some of the key people will be gone and it’s to much for just a few people. We will still have church at 8:30 though, so please come and celebrate Father’s Day with us!
We’re still getting together on Saturday to clean up around the church property.  We’ll be there at 6am.
Love y’all,
Pastor Steve

Church Service at Fairgrounds this Sunday

Due to Rodeo Bible Camp, this Sunday, June 9th, we are going to meet at the Fairgrounds for church. Church service will start there at 10:30 am. We will NOT be holding services at the church building. It will be at the Fairgrounds in Pioneer Hall at 10:30 am. Please come and join us and bring a friend!

Church Picnic on May 5th

This Sunday, May 5th, is the church picnic.  We are uniting with Sonoita Hill Community Church for this Church event!  It will start at 10 am at the Lindsey’s picnic grounds. As a reminder, there will be no church service at the church building this Sunday! We will be observing both of the church ordinances, baptism and communion.  So, if you haven’t been baptized before and you would like to, please talk to one of the pastors about that.  Also, let’s make sure we prepare our hearts to take communion in a worthy manner.  “Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup.  For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves,” 1 Corinthians 11:28-29.

The picnic will be immediately following the service.  Please remember, it is a pasture so you should not wear open toed shoes and it is bumpy in places.  Don’t forget to bring the following:

  • Lawn chairs for you and your family
  • a dish to share
  • meat to grill
We look forward to spending some time together this Sunday!