This Sunday Canelo Cowboy Church we once again be collecting non-perishable food for the needy in our area. All of the food collected last month has been distributed and our pantry is now empty.
Food recipients include:
A woman with a young child who left her husband because he was abusing her.
A woman with many children who is working three jobs to make ends meet.
A senior citizen amputee whose spouse just came back from the hospital
A senior couple who had medical bills and couldn’t afford food
Food recipients include:
A woman with a young child who left her husband because he was abusing her.
A woman with many children who is working three jobs to make ends meet.
A senior citizen amputee whose spouse just came back from the hospital
A senior couple who had medical bills and couldn’t afford food
And there are many other similar stories.
In addition we are supplying food to the County Food Bank located in Patagonia who distribute food every month to people in need in our area.
Because of your generous hearts, we are feeding the needy in the spirit of Matthew 25:35: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”
Can you please bring non-perishable food to church this Sunday May 12 – the red collection boxes are located by the doors of the church?
And if you know of someone in our area who needs food, please contact Pastor Lindsey or Mary Moran [email protected]