Good morning Church,
This whole situation that our country is going through is unprecedented and unlike anything that any of us have gone through. That being the case, I believe that this is when we, as the church, are to live out the Gospel and be a church family, taking care of each other’s needs.
This situation reminds me of Acts 2:37-47 where the apostles and brethren devoted “themselves to the apostles teaching” and fellowshipped through the breaking of bread. They sold their possessions and shared them as anyone might have had needs.
You see, we are the church. The building provides a place for us to meet and worship, but WE are the church! A pastor friend of mine once reminded his church that we need to stop thinking of ministry only being done by the Ordained and that ministry needs to be done by the Ordinary! What he was saying is that we all have a role in ministering to each other. Lifting each other in prayer! Making sure there are no needs among us. So I want to encourage each one of you to reach out to each other and help to meet physical and spiritual needs!
I especially want you to know that you also have an amazing group of men that you can reach out to that make up our Deacons. If you have a need, physical or spiritual, they are here for you all. Here’s their contact info.
Stu Misener [email protected] 520-841-0638
Nick Robbs [email protected] 520-471-3602
Fred Keys [email protected] 713-880-8805
David Stiffey [email protected] 520-403-0970
Of course Pastor Steve and I are also here for you if you need us as well. Here’s our contact info in case you don’t have it.
Cisco Baez [email protected] (cell) 520-604-6990 (home) 520-303-5999
Steve Lindsey [email protected] (cell) 520-559-0155 (home) 520-455-5000
Please, do not hesitate to call us! We need to be here for each other and we are definitely here for you! We love you all!
As a reminder, again we are not having church services this Sunday but please join us online on Facebook at 8:30 am on Sunday for the live stream.
Cisco Baez
Assistant Pastor / Worship Leader
Canelo Cowboy Church
(520) 604-6990 / [email protected]