This is a tribute to all of our veteran’s in the Canelo Cowboy Community.
We was gathering cattle on the Concho, but right now we was camped underneath the stars,
We’d followed the wagon out three days ago, we’s along way from pickups and cars.
I can’t believe I’m working on a wagon! Heck, I’m 19, I’s just a kid!
Not many outfits used wagons now days but I’s sure glad I worked for one that did!
But I guess it was in my blood to be part of the chosen few.
My Daddy had worked on a wagon, and my Grandpa and great Grandpa too.
And I was sure enjoying my freedom! Punching cows in the good ole US of A!
I didn’t have a care in the world and I figured it’d stay that way.
I had just crawled into my bedroll; it was cold so I was snuggling down there real deep,
Thinking about the next days gather just about off in my sleep,
When I sure thought that I seen something, but like Saint Peter I’s off in a trance’
Then I knew I saw someone standing there in green Army fatigues, and somehow I knew he was somewhere in France.
And somehow I knew that it was my Grandpa, though I’d never met him before,
They said he was one of the first to off load those boats on D-Day, and he’d died there on that Normandy shore.
And he was lookin’ right at me, just like he knew who I was too,
Then he started talking to me just like I’m talking to you.
He said, “Son I know you’re enjoying your freedom, cuz I’ve been were you are tonight,
Working on a wagon in the American West sleeping under a billion stars given’ there light.
But for you to be enjoying your freedom, some had to fight and some died,
And thousands more was willing to go, and hundreds of wives and golden star mothers have cried.
Well your Great Grandpa fought in the trenches in WW1, and I died under this Normandy dam,
Your Uncle fought in Korea, and your Daddy fought in Vietnam.
Even ole’ Cookie fought in Vietnam, you’ve heard him talk of his beloved Marine Corp.
But he got shot up when he was over there and he can’t set a horse no more.
And them kids you went to school with that joined the military, their fightin’ in Afghanistan and Iraq,
Tryin’ to extend the American dream, and we don’t know when they’re coming back!
All for the right of your freedom so’s you’d have the right to choose,
So’s you could stand up and say what you want, and boy that’s something you don’t wanna lose!
So while you’re enjoying your freedom, I want you to thank a Vet.
They’re the ones that bought it for you with their blood and their tears and their sweat!”
Then just like that my Grandpa was gone, I guess he went back to his grave,
But I’ll never forget that nights visit, and all of the wisdom he gave.
And God Bless all of you American veterans! My hat is off to you!
I want to thank you for all that you’ve done, and all that you were willing to do!
Oh Say Does that Star Spangled Banner Yet Wave
Over The Land of The Free, And the Home of the Brave?
© Steve Lindsey 2003