
First thing I want to say is “Happy Birthday” to my amazing wife Naomi! She has hung in there with me for almost 38 years and I would not be who I am without her love and support. She is an amazing women, vibrant Christian, wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, and friend to all. I love you Naomi with all of my heart!

What a wonderful time we all had at the Total Church Life training that Pastor Ron Rich led this past weekend! I think that all who attended would agree that it was well worth the effort for each of us. It was a time for self-examination and it made me look inside my heart and ask the tough question, “Am I doing all I can to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ?”

Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:19 to “Go and make disciples of all nations…” He didn’t tell us to go to our different churches and Bible study groups and study what it means to go, He simply said go! “Go where,” may be your question. Well, where do you go? Most people go to work, go to the store or any of a myriad of other places that we just “go.” He wants us to tell our story wherever we are to whoever we can and watch as He works through you in the lives of those you share with. We don’t have to go to a foreign land or across the sea or a border, we may just need to go across the road and talk to a neighbor. We can live our faith out at a family reunion or in the branding pen with our peers. Just go!

“What do I say.” may be your next question. Just tell your story of His love and forgiveness. If we don’t start we will never get anywhere! Just go!

Each of us that knows Jesus as Lord has a story.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill your mouth with His words when you speak. You’ll never know how if you never do it. And remember, He is always faithful and always gives us wisdom. We just need to be available.

A study conducted by LifeWay Research found 80 percent of those who attend church one or more times a month, believe they have a personal responsibility to share their faith, but 61 percent have not told another person about how to become a Christian in the previous six months. Can you imagine the revival that could happen if we simply did what Jesus commanded us to do? Go and Tell?

But for sure, revival starts with us individually. I pray that the Lord shows me where I need to change, where I need revival. I pray that I can be like king David and ask Him to “Search me oh God and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting (Psalms 139:23&24).”

Pray for me and I’ll pray for you!  Naomi and I love you all.