Live from Mevo Canelo Cowboy Church

CCMA Rodeo Bible Camp

Exciting stuff happening for rodeo bible camp! All of the leaders, counselors and instructors covet your prayers throughout this week as they minister to all of the youth that are coming in today.

CCMA Rodeo Bible Camp

Exciting stuff happening for rodeo bible camp! All of the leaders, counselors and instructors covet your prayers throughout this week as they minister to all of the youth that are coming in today.

Live from Mevo Canelo Cowboy Church

Yom Kippur: The Day of Atonement

This Sunday is the last lesson of the quarter for The Gospel Project. We will be learning about “The Day of Atonement” where God provides a way for Israel to become At-One with God through blood sacrifice. The Jewish people still celebrate this day which they call “Yom Kippur.” Here is a video about this day and what we will be studying this Sunday. Come and join us!