Live from Mevo Live from Canelo Cowboy Church

Lyrics for Mother’s Day service (May 10, 2020) –

Church This Sunday!

Good Morning!
This coming Sunday, May the 10th is Mother’s Day! I don’t know about you but I am so thankful for my mother and I want to celebrate her in a special way even though she’s now in heaven. How about if we have church outside this Sunday? It will be a BYOC & C (Bring Your Own Coffee & Chair) service because the ban on getting together anywhere but Walmart or Home Depot hasn’t been lifted yet. That way we won’t all be touching the same surfaces and we all aren’t inside the building stacking chairs breathing the same air. If we do it this way I feel we will be safe, especially if we don’t hug one another (That’s going to be hard for me) and don’t greet one another with a holy kiss (Romans 16:16)! We shouldn’t shake hands but elbow bumps are still in style.

We will have just 1 service and it will start at 8:30 that morning. After the service we should disperse to our homes as quickly as possible.

Please plan on sitting in family units and six feet apart from other family units. Please wear masks and/or gloves if you feel a need. And, if you’re not feeling well, for goodness sake stay home. Or, if you have a compromised immune system please stay home. The service will be broadcast live on Facebook also. If you feel safer staying in your vehicle and watching the service please do that as well. I am looking forward to seeing your faces.

In His Service,

Pastor Steve
Senior Pastor Canelo Cowboy Church

Join us on Sunday at 8:30 am for our church service online! Like, share and comment so that we may be able to fellowship online. Also, the lyrics are available at this link: