Live from Mevo Canelo Cowboy Church
Words from the Pastor
How do you view things in your life? When a hard thing comes along in your life, what is your first reaction? When something happens in my life, I don’t always think of rejoicing about it immediately. There are all kinds of things that, if I allow it, would bring me down. Health, wealth and relationships just to name a few. Why do you think that happens, that we don’t immediately rejoice? Why is it that the first thing we do when there is a hardship in our lives we worry or lash out at whoever brings on the hardship? Most likely it’s because we forget that it is God (Who allows these hard things in our lives for a reason) in control. If you read Psalm 139 you will see that God has our lives planed out even before we are conceived. He knows us better than we know ourselves. Here is what Psalms 139:1-2 says: “You have searched me, LORD, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.”
So, if God has searched me and knows me, knows even when I stand up or sit down, why do I worry and fret? Because I forget that the Creator of the universe has my best interest in mind and wants what is best for me here on earth. You see, God can see the end from the beginning and knows what it will take to get us from point a to point b in our life here on earth. And remember, He wants us to live a victorious Christian life and victorious doesn’t always mean that things are going right. Victorious means that even when things aren’t going as planned, we can rejoice and thank God for them. Remember what Paul tells us in I Thessalonians 5:16-18? “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” This is how you and I can both have and live a victorious Christian life! Always rejoicing, praying continually and constantly giving Him thanks for all of our circumstances.
And did you read that? The phrase, “for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Have you ever wondered what God’s will was for you? Have you ever agonized over not knowing which way to turn and wondering what God wanted you to do? Paul makes it pretty plain here in this passage. #1 Rejoice. #2 Pray. #3 Give thanks. We need to only trust God that He knows what He is doing and that He cares enough about you that He is going to make whatever is happening in your life work together for your good, somehow, someway.
So, as we head into this Thanksgiving Season let’s try and remember this. God’s desire is for us to #1 Rejoice. #2 Pray. #3 Give thanks. Maybe I should put that on our refrigerator as a reminder that God is in control. We do not need to worry or fret, we just need to trust God with a childlike faith.
God is good. Happy Thanksgiving.
Please let me know if you need anything. You pray for me and I’ll pray for you. Naomi and I love you all. -Pastor Steve
Live from Mevo Canelo Cowboy Church