Words from the Pastor
I have been reading about the missionaries the church supports, Billy and Ericka Tjernlund’s adventures as they have transitioned from Mexico to Alaska. Wow, what a culture shock for them to say the least! But in true missionary fashion they have met each and every challenge head on and are embracing the culture, the environment and the weather like the troopers they are. And to have a sweet little daughter in the mix is also adding to the anxiety level I would assume. I may be asking myself, “Why should I be doing this? There are cushy jobs I could take, I am skilled in enough areas that I could provide for my family easily enough, why am I here busting my tail as a missionary pilot?” Well, I have to believe that Billy and Ericka are doing this because they are called by God to do it. If they weren’t called, I can guarantee that they wouldn’t last a year on the mission field. There are too many hardships, too many lonely hours and it is just plain ole miserable if you are not called!
Remember the story of Paul and Silas being thrown into prison in Acts 16? They were in Philippi when Paul cast a demon out of a slave girl, it started an uproar in the city when the owners of the girl realized that they weren’t going to be able to make money off of the girl anymore and after all was said and done, Paul and Silas were flogged and thrown into the inner prison. Verse 25 says this, “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.” Here they are, they have just been beaten and thrown into prison, but instead of licking their wounds they are praying sand singing hymns! Now that’s what I call having peace in Jesus and knowing that He is in control of all our circumstances! Paul and Silas didn’t know that God was going to show up and show off. They didn’t know if God was going to rescue them or not. All they knew was that God was and is in control and everything was going to turn out just like He wanted it to. So, they sang and prayed. And God did show up and He did show off! There was an earthquake and all of the doors of the prison flew open and all of the prisoner’s chains fell off. And from this the Church at Philippi was planted and grew into an amazing vibrant church. All because of Paul and Silas’s attitude. They were called to the ministry, mark my words!
So how about you brothers and sisters? Do you allow circumstances to dictate how your life is going to be? Are you willing to let God work through all of the things that happen in your life and “Pray and sing songs” so everyone around you can hear? I know, it’s easier said then done, but this passage here shows us that it is possible. We can do it. We can rejoice in every situation! How do I know this? Because you and I were called to it! He’s got it under control no matter what it looks like on the outside! All we have to do is trust Him.
Please let me know if you need anything. You pray for me and I’ll pray for you. Naomi and I love you all. -Pastor Steve

Good morning! Just a reminder that we will have Sunday school at 9am and church at 10:30 at Canelo Cowboy Church.
We will also have a service at the Fairgrounds outside the Pioneer Hall under the Pavilion this Sunday starting at 10 am.
Hopefully we will get to see you at one of those services. God Bless!