Sunday is our ranch family fun day! Invite a friend or two and come enjoy the day. Just a reminder that we will have breakfast items and other items for sale throughout the day to raise money for our 4th grade teacher Ms. Brown at elgin going through cancer. Also, we are meeting at 8am tomorrow morning for set up at the church so if you’d like to help out it is always very much appreciated.

Canelo Cowboy Church

If you haven’t had a chance yet to listen to Regina’s testimony on how God saved her son, you need to listen to it here! Our God is a good God and he still does miracles! Thank you Regina for sharing what God did through your family!

Words from the Pastor

Today marks that special day when all across the United States of America (And the day has been adopted by many other countries) people are celebrating their mothers. The 2nd Sunday of the month of May is a special day that was set aside in 1914 as Mother’s Day. It is a day in which mothers are celebrated for being just that, mothers, moms, mommies or whatever you call her. Each one of us feel that their mother is the very best and that no matter how old we get we can always count on our mother’s love. Some of us have lost our mothers but we can still remember the love that she showed us even when we weren’t deserving of it. I sure remember my mom showing me that type of love. Even when I was so underserving, she still loved me unconditionally. Kind of like God does to us every day. He shows us that unconditional love and forgives us our wrongs, just like momma.
Now don’t get me wrong, there is discipline, both with our moms and with our Heavenly Father. I mean by the time we reach the age when we should know better, and can legally be on our own, our moms quit whipping on us, but how many of you still get the look from your mom and know that it is time to straighten up? I know that Naomi can still give the look and the kids understand just exactly what she is saying with her eyes! And you know what? God has eyes also. He sees what we are doing and even more than mom, God knows our thoughts and our intentions. He knows when we lie, cheat or even think things that we shouldn’t. So, as we grow in Christ we should be more sensitive to His Spirit nudging us towards doing what is right because Gods “look” can be even more severe then moms!
Colossians 3:1-3 says, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” In other words, you aren’t the same as you were in the past. If you know Christ as your Savior you need to be seeking things in Gods Kingdom, not things on this earth. I am not saying that we need to quit our jobs and sit around and pray all the time! No, we need to go to work and share His love with our co-workers. We need to get involved in our community and show the love of Jesus there. We need to show His love in our homes, to our spouses and our children and our children’s children. We need to show our love in the same way our mothers show their love to us. Like Jesus does. Not based on what we do, but because we are the Kings kids!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Please let me know if you need anything. You pray for me and I’ll pray for you. Naomi and I love you all. -Pastor Steve

Click here to support Cancer Treatment for Mrs. Brown organized by Angie Kline Brown

Fundraiser for Mrs. Angie Brown, 4th grade teacher at Elgin Elementary.

Church, We are having a bake sale at the RFFD on May 19th, with proceeds to benefit Mrs. Brown and her battle against Cancer! Mrs. Brown is the 4th grade teacher at Elgin Elementary. We will be offering breakfast items (come hungry!), drinks and other goodies throughout the day! Also, if anyone may be interested in donating items for the bake sale, they can contact either Lacy Beyer, Stacy Scouten or just bring already wrapped items on the morning of the RFFD… Thank you so much!! I know it will be a great blessing for Mrs. Brown! For any question contact Stacy Scouten at (520) 444-3907

There is also a gofundme account setup for her if you desire to help in that way. Thank you!