The Lord’s Prayer

I have been studying in Matthew in my daily reading lately. Today I was studying in the 5th, 6th and 7th chapters, the Sermon on the Mount, and I read in the sixth chapter verse 8, “…for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” Isn’t that beautiful? Our Heavenly Father who has more than a full-time job just taking care of me not to mention the rest of the whole world and everyone and everything in it, knows my need before I even ask Him! Jesus is telling us that “When you pray…” He is saying that we don’t have to pray as the hypocrites and the pagans pray. The hypocrites pray showing everyone around them how righteous they are. The pagans keep on babbling thinking that the more they pray the more God, or their gods, will hear them. “Don’t be that guy” Jesus says.
He goes on to instruct us how to pray in what has been termed, “The Lord’s prayer.” “Our Father in Heaven…” Do you realize that you have a Heavenly Father that loves you unconditionally? There are times when I had put conditions on my love for my children when they were younger. I have felt that, “Well, since they aren’t doing what I expect them to do, then I am not going to show them that unconditional love.” But that is not what our Heavenly Father does. He loves us no matter what we do. Oh yes, listen to me, we will suffer the consequences of our actions, but that doesn’t mean that we won’t be loved unconditionally! You can do NOTHING that will separate you from His love. The only thing that will separate you from His love is if you die without knowing His Son Jesus as your personal Savior. Jesus tells us in John 10:28, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of My hand.”
So, let’s look at what we are promised. Matthew 6:8 tells us that the Maker of heaven and earth, yours and my Creator, the One that hung the sun, moon and stars and put everything in place, knows exactly what you need before you know! And this same God loves you unconditionally and nothing can snatch (KJV says pluck) you out of Jesus’s hand (John 10:28)! What a deal! We just need to trust Jesus as our Savior and allow Him to work out the rest.
But even as mature Christians that’s hard to do at times. Can you trust Him in all things? There is nothing that you go through that hasn’t passed through His hands first. Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice (Philippians 4:4)
So, you pray for me and I’ll pray for you. Please let me know if you need anything. Naomi and I love you all. –Pastor Steve

Worship Night

You are invited to join us this Saturday at 6 pm at Canelo Cowboy Church for a Worship Night. We have members from 4 different church’s coming together for this night of worship (Canelo Cowboy Church, Vail Valley Baptist, Corona Worship Center and Mountain View Assembly of God). We are also having a time of fellowship afterwards so please bring a snack or dessert to share. Oh and spread the word! See y’all Saturday Night!!!

Vertical Relationship

I was thinking about church growth. Canelo Cowboy Church has just about doubled in numbers since we moved from the schoolhouse to our new building. That’s a praise in my book! I have had people tell me that growth doesn’t matter, it is the maturity of the believers that matters. Now I do believe that as believers we need to mature. The Bible is very clear about maturing and growing up in the Lord. But I also believe that if we are mature we are going to multiply. A rancher will not survive if their cows don’t produce calves. A sheepherder will not survive if their sheep don’t produce lambs. A church won’t make it very long if they are not producing disciples.

When Jesus gave us the Great Commission in Matthew He was telling us that He had all authority, and because He has all authority we need to go make disciples. Here is what He said: Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age (Matt. 28:16–20).” We are to make disciples, we are to baptize them and then we are to teach them to make disciples and then they are to baptize them and so on and so forth! That is what I call growth. And if we do that then our churches will grow and the Kingdom of God will be expanded.

And Jesus tells us that we need to be, “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” So, what do we teach them? Do we teach them the things that we think are important? Jesus says to teach them everything that He has commanded us. What is the most important commandment? Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:37-39 that loving god (Vertical Relationship) and loving our neighbor (Horizontal relationship) are the two most important things we can ever do and teach others to do. Jesus says that all the law and prophets will be fulfilled in these to commandments. And that, I believe, is what we need to teach the disciples that we make. Vertical love and horizontal love. Paul Harvey said, “So many people have stopped being fishers of men and have become keepers of the aquarium.” Is the church you are attending growing or stagnating because of you? Are you disciplining people as Christ commanded you to or are you disciplining in your own power and strength? Are you bringing division or are you bringing unity? Are you making disciples to expand His Kingdom or your own? Food for thought. God help me to follow you!
Pray for me and I’ll pray for you. Please let me know if you need anything. Naomi and I love you all.