Pure heart

Psalms 51 was the Psalm that David wrote after Nathan the prophet had come to him and confronted him about his adultery with Bathsheba and had Uriah killed in battle. What a great Psalm and what a merciful God we have! I want to challenge you to not just read but study the whole chapter and then apply it to your life.
The verse that really sticks out to me as I study this chapter is verse 10; “Create in me a pure heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Did you see that? He doesn’t say anything about how the Devil made me do it. He doesn’t blame his circumstances. It’s not the environment he was raised in. He didn’t ask God to change anyone else, he asked God to change him!
You ever tried to make someone change? It doesn’t work t0o well does it? I’ve been trying to get Naomi to squeeze the toothpaste tube from the bottom and turn off lights for over 33 years now and it hasn’t happened yet! I’ve even shown her the benefits of lower electricity bills and read to her on the toothpaste tube where it says “For best results, start at the bottom and work up,” but she doesn’t care! So I have to give in and realize the only one I can change is me! Not my co-worker, not the other drivers on the road and for sure not my wife! Just me. Only me. And only through the help of my Lord Jesus Christ can “I can do all things.”
We don’t have to let others rob us of our joy. We don’t have to get frustrated with others when they irritate us. We are the only ones that can ruin our day. Our day won’t be ruined unless we allow it to be no matter what others do to us.
But we can’t do it in our own strength! We need to be empowered by the Holy Spirit of God and be plugged into Him. That’s the only way to overcome our flesh. That’s the only way to have a new heart created in us.
Read Psalms 51. It’s a great read!
God Bless Your Day, and please pray for me and I’ll pray for you!

~ Pastor Steve~