Just a closer walk

I want to welcome you to the July Ranch Family Fun Day (RFFD). I can’t believe it’s been a month already! It’s so great to see you all out here!

What’s God doing in your life? Is He able to lead you and guide you? Do you allow Him to lead you and guide you daily as you go out into the cold cruel world and face the trials, tests and temptations? Did you notice that I said daily? See, this walk with the Savior shouldn’t be a once a week, “I’ll get my “religion” in on Sunday and live for the Devil” type of thing!

Remember the great song, “Just a Closer Walk With Thee?” What a wonderful song! The 1st verse says, “I am weak, but Thou art strong; Jesus, keep me from all wrong; I’ll be satisfied as long As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.” And then the chorus, “Just a closer walk with Thee, Grant it, Jesus, is my plea, Daily walking close to Thee, Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.”

I love the song, but I’m thinking, “If I am not walking close to the Lord, it for sure isn’t His fault!” I mean sure, He is going to help us get through anything! He’s our provider and our strength and He is our life, but when we can’t seem to find Him and we’re in a dark place, whose fault do you think it is? “Just a closer walk with Thee, grant it Jesus is my plea!” And I can hear Jesus saying to me, “Hey, I’m right here where you left Me! You got all caught up in “stuff” that really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of eternity and left Me standing here just waiting for you to get done with all of the things that you’re doing and realize you miss Me.” And all of those things could be great things we’re doing. We could be rodeoing with our kids, we could be camping with the family we could…you fill in the blank. Does it take you away from your time with the Lord and with His people?

As I’ve said before, your Heavenly Father wants a relationship with you so bad that He allowed His only Son to die for you! And once He has that kind of relationship with you He doesn’t want to let you go! He’ll do everything that He can to keep you around, but He will not force you to love Him. So if you’re not feelin’ it today, go back to that place where you last felt it. To the place where He’s still waiting for you!

God Bless You! Let us know if we can do anything for you. Naomi and I sure love all y’all!


I want to welcome you to our June Ranch Family Fun Day.  I know that today is Father’s Day and I do understand that you could be celebrating in some other way, but I’m stoked to have you here hanging out with us at Canelo Cowboy Church.

What do you think of the new building? Pretty cool don’t ya think? No pun intended!

Being a father is not easy!  I know; Naomi and I have nine wonderful children.  None of them came with any instructions!  We just did the best we could, and boy oh boy did I make mistakes.  However, God knows and He was able to fix my stupid.

You know, no matter what you think, you have a Heavenly Father that loves you and He wants to help you make it through whatever struggles you may be going through right now.  As an earthly dad, I want to help my children and make sure they all have what is good and have everything that they need.  It’s part of being a dad.  It’s in your heart to do good for them.  And if we as dads want that for our children, then I can guarantee that our Heavenly Father wants to do good for you and have a relationship with you even more!  He sent His Son to die on a cross for you so you could have a relationship with Him.  Because of His love, you can spend eternity with Him. He loves you more than a fat kid loves cake!

It’s my prayer that we, as a church, can minister to every one of you.  Someone brought to my attention this week the fact that the church is the people.  That’s you and me; not the building or the grounds, but us as folks.  It’s made up of folks like us that are just plain and simple.  The Bible calls us the Bride of Christ!  His church.  But you must be born again by the Blood of Jesus Christ before you can truly be the Bride!  So please, join us today.  If you’ve never made that commitment please do.  Don’t leave here without making that decision for eternity.

God Bless You!  We sure love all y’all!

Sunday School

It seems like it may be an afterthought but I assure you that it is not. Today a vision that I have had for a long time came to pass and that is a full blown Sunday School program at Canelo Cowboy Church. We have classes for every age group from one to one hundred. I want to thank Dianne, Jeannie, Sandy, Elaine, Julie, Alisa, Judy, Roland, Dennis and Juli for making this happen. We need to train our children in the ways of the Lord and a good solid Biblically based Sunday School program can help the family structure do just that. I’m thrilled to see this coming to pass at Canelo Cowboy Church! I am so blessed to Pastor here. I’m constantly amazed at what such a little church is getting done for God’s Kingdom!! I am one happy camper and to God be the glory!!

May Ranch Family Fun Day

I want to welcome you to the May Ranch Family Fun Day (RFFD). God has been so good this last month and has blessed us more than we deserve that’s for sure. Take a look at the new building and all that’s been accomplished! We’re hoping to occupy that building SOON! Please be in prayer about it that it can happen if God’s willing! We can always use a helping hand if you want to lend it, or money if you’d like to donate to the cause. When it comes to prayer, helping and money, I always figure the more the merrier.
Well the weather’s starting to warm up. In a couple of months the rains will be here and we will be able to start the cycle of life all over again, at least for the ranchers. Everyone should be getting all of their branding done and hopefully everyone has enough water to take them through the dry part of the year. It’s like this every year and the cowman should be used to it but I guess he’ll still worry about the weather and the market prices. That’s just the way it is I suppose!
But have you ever stopped and wondered to yourself, “Why do we worry?” I mean Jesus told us our Heavenly Father is going to take good care of us just like He does the sparrow! He says that all of the worrying in the world won’t add a fraction of an inch to your height or make you live longer! I received a text from a beautiful young mommy this last week and she quoted Colossians 3:15, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.” See, Jesus said that if we trust Him, He will give us perfect peace! And we can have this peace as a church body! All of us working toward one thing. All of us pulling in the races toward a common goal.
This common goal is achievable folks. No matter what it looks like on the outside this common goal can be ours.
Are you wondering why Paul writes in this verse to be thankful? Because if we really truly believe that God is in control of our circumstances and that He’s working all things out for His glory and for our good then we can be thankful for everything that comes our way. We can learn, as Paul did, to be content in every situation (Philippians 4:12). Lord, hasten the day!
God Bless You! Let us know if we can do anything for you. Naomi and I sure love all y’all!